VANGUARD Featured on EU Platform for Research Results

The latest research from the VANGUARD project has been featured on the EU research platform together with another EU-funded HemAcure project, highlighting their significant impact on medical science.

The HemAcure study on haemophilia A treatment was supported by the VANGUARD project and aimed to establish whether LV-corrected blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOECs) implanted through a prevascularised device called a Cell Pouch™ would correct the bleeding phenotype of haemophilia A mice through a novel ex vivo gene therapy approach.

Dr. Antonia Follenzi, lead researcher and VANGUARD partner from the Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy, commented, ‘If this therapy proves successful in future clinical trials, it could emerge as a significant new therapeutic avenue, enhancing the quality of life for individuals grappling with severe hemophilia A.’

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